Tip #1: Communicate with teachers early! If things have been going smoothly for your child, you may be lulled into complacency and think that speaking with teachers during the first week of school is unnecessary or even overkill.
Permanent link to this article: https://blog.drwalisever.com/2013/08/advocating-for-your-child-back-to-school-tips-2/
Aug 22
Low and High-Tech Writing Helpers
Writing is a complex activity that involves short-term memory, visual memory for spelling, fine-motor skill, executive functioning, and other skills.
Permanent link to this article: https://blog.drwalisever.com/2013/08/low-and-high-tech-writing-helpers/
Aug 19
Managing Paper Flow and Time
Executive Dysfunction is a set of skills seated in the frontal lobe of the brain. It includes skills such as sequencing, planning, and organizing.
Permanent link to this article: https://blog.drwalisever.com/2013/08/managing-paper-flow-and-time/
Aug 15
How TS Affects Siblings
Having a child with TS affects the whole family: the child, each parent, the marriage, and the siblings. The effect on the siblings is often forgotten or overlooked. This article describes the impact that having a child with TS may have on their brothers and sisters, and what you as parents can do about it.
Permanent link to this article: https://blog.drwalisever.com/2013/08/how-ts-affects-siblings/
Aug 12
How To Avoid the Homework Wars
Respect your child’s natural rhythm. Some children come home from school and need to engage in physical activity or have a snack. Others do best getting to work right away
Permanent link to this article: https://blog.drwalisever.com/2013/08/how-to-avoid-the-homework-wars/
May 22
Dr. Walisever’s Z100 Radio Interview on Tourette Syndrome
Kevin Burke, radio host of Z100’s weekly show “Get Active”, interviewed me and a 13 year-old Tourette Syndrome Youth Ambassador. We tried to dispel the myths and misconceptions about what Tourette Syndrome is, and shared our personal experiences of living with Tourette. Listen below
Permanent link to this article: https://blog.drwalisever.com/2013/05/dr-walisevers-z100-radio-interview-on-tourette-syndrome/
Sep 09
Back to School: 10 Tips for Communicating with Teachers
Parents often feel intimidated when speaking with teachers and other education professionals about their child; after all, they have advanced education degrees and we are “just” the parent. But, as the parent, you have spent more hours with your child than any teaching professional. Your observations and gut instincts about your child are valuable. These ten …
Permanent link to this article: https://blog.drwalisever.com/2012/09/back-to-school-10-tips-for-communicating-with-teachers/
Apr 01
More Strategies To Help You and Your Special Needs Child Enjoy Holidays with Extended Family
It seems like I only just recently posted a blog on getting through the family obligations of the winter holidays, and now for many of us, Passover or Easter holidays are coming up quickly. For some of us, that means travel, long meals or long weekends with extended family, and trying to get our children …
Permanent link to this article: https://blog.drwalisever.com/2012/04/more-strategies-to-help-you-and-your-special-needs-child-enjoy-holidays-with-extended-family/
Jan 09
Special Needs Children and Holidays with Extended Family Don’t Always Mix
Holidays with family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, can be just as challenging for special needs parents as it is for their special needs child. You may be quite relieved that the holidays are now over and that both you and your child get a break until the next family reunion. Some lucky parents …
Permanent link to this article: https://blog.drwalisever.com/2012/01/special-needs-children-and-holidays-with-extended-family-dont-always-mix/
Nov 21
Is the Honeymoon at School Over Yet?
Many parents tell me that they wait to see how the school year starts off before asking for meetings with their child’s teachers or calling team meetings to review their child’s 504 plans or IEPs. “I don’t want to start off as a helicopter parent” or, “I don’t want to give the teacher preconceived notions …
Permanent link to this article: https://blog.drwalisever.com/2011/11/is-the-honeymoon-at-school-over-yet/